UMary的经过验证的护理计划采取了戏剧性的步骤进一步 Increase Graduate Preparedness and Combat Nationwide Shortage


大学推出新课程, 从2023年秋季学期开始,为新生提供免学费的护理学院.

俾斯麦,ND -全国护理人员短缺的问题迫在眉睫,预计在未来十年只会加剧. 然而,另一个不祥的趋势正在表面之下隐现. 超过一半的新护士都有用药错误, 患者跌倒, and failure-to-rescue incidents and as many as 30% of new nurses leave the workforce within the first year of graduating. 从历史上看, academic nursing program quality has been measured on new graduate’s first-time pass rates on the national licensure examination (NCLEX). 然而,现在更多的注意力集中在新护士的准备工作上.

“对新护士的准备给予额外关注有两个基础. 护理人员短缺和全国范围内学术与实践的差距. 在全国范围内, researchers and industry partners are highlighting that students can succeed academically and pass the NCLEX licensure examination, 但当他们进入现实世界时,却没有做好准备. 不幸的是,许多人因此没有留在这个行业. 立博中文版在护理方面有着悠久的传统, and we continue to advance our programming to meet the changing needs of contemporary nursing students and health care environments,立博中文版护理学院副院长说, Dr. 比利Madler. 

Madler points to alarming national statistics published by Joan Kavanagh and Christine Szweda called The Crisis in Competency: The Strategic and Ethical Imperative to Assessing New Graduate Nurses’ Clinical Reasoning that assessed entry-level competency and 实践 readiness of newly graduated nurses. 自2005年以来, the statistics show a downward trend in workforce readiness: to include the current numbers indicating only less than 25% of new nurse graduates could demonstrate they’re able to 实践 independently. 

没有满足于作为全国第一的荣誉. 在过去的四年里,我有三年把护理专业排在第一位, 立博中文版投入了更多的资源, so students and eventual graduates become the most well-prepared professionals and are retained to help stem the ever-increasing shortage trends. 

“Our faculty and university leadership has taken swift action to support the next generation of nursing education and to address the workforce shortage,马德勒补充道. “We are launching a tuition-free 护理 Academy in the Fall 2023 Semester and implementing a new curriculum that will provide students with four-times the number of nursing simulation experiences, 增加直接护理病人的时间, 提高新毕业生临床判断能力. 我们的物理空间正在进行大规模的翻新,以支持课程的努力. 去年秋天, 我们执行了一个非常重要的新角色, 护理学生成功教练, 将所有这些优先事项结合在一起. The 护理 Student Success Coach is a nurse educator who assists prelicensure students with individual barriers related to their academic and social success in the nursing program through proactive outreach. The goal of this position is to enhance student achievement and well-being by ensuring every student has a pathway to success.” 

作为立博中文版掠夺者大学垒球投手, 护理系大三学生, 埃马里·埃文斯习惯了强硬, challenging battles on the diamond and welcomes every chance to compete against the toughest opponents: home run hitters, 让击球手们上垒, 和快速的盗垒者. 然而, 埃文斯很快意识到,她在大学里最大的对手并不是穿着不同颜色球衣的人, 除了她自己. 

“在我大二的时候——一个护理单元——我同时选修了病理生理学和药理学,埃文斯回忆道。. “I didn’t want to take pharmacology during softball season due to how much study time and memorization would have to go into learning this content. 这也是第一个学期,我被要求在考试中取得75%的平均成绩才能通过这门课. 在我最初的考试之后,我意识到我需要帮助.”  

但作为激烈的竞争对手,放弃和放弃上大学从来都不是埃文斯的选择. 埃文斯意识到她需要准备她的课程和考试,好像每天都是比赛日. 包括练习, 实践, 努力工作, and attention to detail — as if facing the cleanup hitter in the opposing team’s lineup — and the need for good coaching. 

“Emari, 像许多学生一样, 来找我的时候,她不知道如何才能最好地学习和管理她在学术界的所有要求,莎拉·格哈特说, 立博中文版新成立的护理学生成功教练. “我们在时间管理方面做了一些工作, 如何学习, 我们练习提问和如何像护士一样思考.我挑战她,让她知道正确答案和错误答案背后的“原因”. 从第一学期到学期末,我们几乎每周都见面, 她把分数改过来了. Emari put in all the hard work and effort; I was just there to guide her.”

所以现在, 埃文斯受益于两位教练——她的垒球教练教她投球击球的细节, 以及一名新的护理学生成功教练,以提高他们在课堂上的表现. 但埃文斯并不孤单. 自立博中文版于2022年秋季学期开始担任该职位以来, 格哈特主持过数百次学生会议.

“护理学生成功教练的角色对我来说是非常有益的,格布哈特补充道, who is also an assistant professor of nursing and has spent all 17 years of her academic career at Mary after a seven-year stint working in a neuro-general surgical unit. 当秋季学期即将结束的时候, 我赞扬了Emari的努力工作和她所取得的成就. 作为一名教育工作者,没有什么比帮助学生实现他们的目标更有意义的了. 看到Emari和其他像她一样的人成功,激发了我对教育的热情.”

最近, the University of Mary launched its new tuition-free 护理 Academy beginning this fall through an innovative partnership with both and CHI St. Alexius Health和Sanford Health在俾斯麦. 护理 Academy students earn their bachelor’s degree in less than three years by taking advantage of University of Mary’s one-of-a-kind 全年校园 model, 享受免费的服务学习之旅和意大利朝圣之旅, 德国和法国, 通过慷慨捐助者的支持才得以实现. 护理 Academy students also benefit from personalized mentorship experiences and gain access to sought-after career opportunities. 

“So, 仅仅在考试中衡量学生的知识是不够的, 我们需要衡量他们能做什么以及他们的表现,Madler在回应Kavanagh和Szweda的发现时补充道. “That’s why we are renovating and expanding to have significantly more simulation; revising our curriculum to have more clinical hours; adding a 护理 Student Success Coach to help students with clinical reasoning and to think like a nurse. 我们希望学习护理专业的学生能够成功,做好准备,并成为一名护士. 所以,我们要培养更多的护士. 但我们不仅要培养更多的人,我们还要培养一些最好的护士.”

护理, 就像大多数医疗保健行业一样, 一个要求很高的职业不仅仅要求高分吗, 但是严格的训练. 问问埃文斯就知道了, 谁会第一个承认, 像所有的运动一样, 成为一名成功的学者运动员的一部分是掌握比赛的精神和身体方面. 

“我选择立博中文版是因为它的护理专业很有声望, 在大学接受教育的护士的能力, and the fact that I am able to be a student athlete — pursuing my dream of becoming a nurse while getting to play college softball,埃文斯解释道。. “立博中文版的护理专业充满了了不起的人, 我们的教授确实是最好的, 是我见过的最善解人意的人, and I believe that it is so important to be surrounded by a support system throughout nursing school and I am lucky enough to not only receive that support from my family but from the program itself. 我很幸运有两位教练对双方都给予如此多的支持. One thing that sets the University of Mary apart from other universities is that all faculty are dedicated to working together and making accommodations when needed, 是什么让你有可能成为护理项目的学生运动员.”

埃文斯, 一个惊喜, AZ, 本地的, plans to fulfill one more dream and work as a pediatric nurse after successfully completing the nursing program at Mary in the next couple years.


任何想了解立博中文版的人都可以在 or 在线,或与招生代表联系,或致电 (701) 355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges and Universities in the US. 

关于 the University of Mary: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

一个基督徒, 天主教, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 15个硕士, 5个工商管理博士学位授权点, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务.
