Alternative testing provides an environment for students who find distractions in the classroom testing environment adversely affect their test performance. 其他testing adjustments provide access to the test by minimizing or eliminating the functional limitations imposed by the disability 或英语学习者所需的额外处理时间. Alternative testing adjustments may include but are not limited to extended test time, 减少干扰的测试环境, 测试大声朗读.


一旦学生被批准 学术住宿the Student 可及性服务 office issues students a formal academic adjustment plan or an academic accommodation plan and an Exam Reservation Form at the beginning of the semester. 在每学期开始之前, 学生将被要求更改或增加他们的计划. 每学期与他们的导师讨论你的计划. Your instructor will determine whether you will take the exam(s) in the 学生成功中心 or the instructor’s department.

安排考试在 学生成功中心

  • 将考试预约表提交给学生辅助服务中心.
  • 必须安排考试 3个工作日 在规定的考试日期之前. 考试应与课堂考试在同一天进行.
    • 期中和期末考试需要额外通知.
    • When sufficient prior notice is not given, the exam will be administered when space is available.
    • 如果有空位,将重新考试. 
  • 考试时间为上午8点至下午4点30分, 星期一至星期五, 并根据校历安排上课时间.
    • The exam must be concluded prior to 4:30 pm or as specified by the Student Accessibility 工作人员.
    • Exam scheduling may be adjusted based on a student’s class schedule, including night classes.
    • Adjustments to this time frame should be discussed with the Student Accessibility Coordinator and your course instructor.
  • 考试将以先到先得的方式进行.
  • Inform Student 可及性服务 as soon as possible if you need to reschedule your exam.


  • 遵循替代测试政策和程序.
  • 遵循学生成功中心考试中心政策.
  • 与老师讨论住宿的需要.
  • Notify Student 可及性服务 and/or the instructor of any changes in the arrangements.
  • 按时参加预定的考试.
  • Report any problems to Student 可及性服务 and/or the instructor immediately so appropriate steps can be taken to correct the situation.
  • 遵守立博中文版荣誉守则和荣誉制度.
  • 与学生讨论他们认可的测试需求. Determine where each student will take the assessment throughout the semester.
  • Provide the testing adjustments authorized by Student 可及性服务. 例如, work with the student to find a mutually agreed-upon testing time and suitable testing room.
  • Give the student adequate notice of exams so that the student can make arrangements with Student 可及性服务 to proctor the exam. Notify the student as soon as possible of any changes to exam dates listed in the syllabus.
  • 在课程大纲中包括你对错过考试的政策. When a student is more than 15 minutes late for an exam or doesn’t show up for an exam, 对错过的考试遵循你的政策.
  • Fill out Section B on the Exam Reservation form for each exam proctored by the 学生成功中心.
  • Make arrangements to deliver the exam by 4 pm on the day before the exam when the 学生成功中心 is providing the testing space. 如果在考试计划开始前没有提供考试, 学生将被指导与导师重新安排考试时间, 谁将负责提供必要的调整.
  • Be available during the testing time for questions from the student or Student 可及性服务 proctor or scribe. 如果你在那个时候参加考试,而不是在你的办公室, provide a cell phone number so that you may be texted questions from the student.
  • Inform Student 可及性服务 if the completed exam has not been received in a timely manner. Exams that do not include a scantron form will typically be scanned and emailed to ensure prompt delivery. 期中考试或期末考试期间, the instructor may need to pick up the exam or arrange for a designee to pick up the exam if it is needed promptly.
  • Notify Student 可及性服务 if a designee is delivering or picking up the exam.
  • 如有需要,请向学生无障碍服务中心咨询.

Alternative testing adjustments may include but are not limited to extended test time, 减少干扰的测试环境, 测试大声朗读. 学生无障碍服务负责:

  • Identify the specific testing adjustments the student is eligible to use.
  • 提供适当的辅助技术, 交替格式, 或者在学术部门没有可用的情况下进行测试.
  • 把完成的试卷交给老师.
  • 在适当的情况下与教师协商和/或解决问题.
  • 遵守立博中文版荣誉守则和荣誉制度 when violations occur.

考试日期应与常规考试日期一致, 最好是在完成考试的同时. 当这是不可能的, the exam will need to be scheduled within the time parameters outlined by the course instructor.  

The exams are proctored in the 学生成功中心 according to the options available to the student (e.g., calculator, open book) as indicated by the instructor on the Exam Reservation Form. Changes to the options available to the student during the exam must be communicated by the instructor.

考试将于下周开始.e., the clock will start) at the scheduled time, regardless of when the student arrives at the exam. 考试迟到的学生,考试时间将不予延长. If the student is more than 15 minutes late or does not show up for the exam, 本次考试将不进行, 学生会被转回给老师. The instructor will make the determination whether the student will be allowed to reschedule in the academic department or with Student 可及性服务 at another time. 对于未通过的考试,老师应按照课程规定办理. The student will not be allowed to reschedule the exam with Student 可及性服务 until the instructor has given confirmation.

Students taking the exam in the 学生成功中心 must follow the 学生成功中心 考试中心政策,张贴在考试中心外. Violation of the policy may result in the forfeit of the exam or additional disciplinary actions outlined in the University of Mary Academic Honor Code and Honor System.

Students are responsible for following the 选择测试 Policy and Procedure and taking appropriate steps to correct any problems. This accommodation may be suspended if a student does not follow the policy and procedure. The student must contact Student 可及性服务 to resolve any difficulties or misunderstandings before the accommodation can be reinstated.